I came across film: Apocalypto released in 2006, directed by Mel Gibson. Film is set in Mexico, during the declining period of the Maya civilisation (centuries ago). In film people are shown to be sold as slaves, and shows an example of how a cilivilisation survives on slavery. Not that different from the way we function these days. One big difference is, Maya civilisation kept their slaves besides them, and we keep our slaves in other side of the other world.
No matter how messed up: police, law and order is, without that, I think there would some people even in this time. Who also would want to use a human as a table, as they did in Maya civilisation. Humans haven't changed that much. However barbaric Maya civilisation appears, but maybe they were better people than us, as their doings were more visible, and not hidden as ours.
How many people like to imagine, that their Nike trainers were made in non slave conditions. How do you calculate it being fair, when you buy a pair of trainers for £60/ £70. A percentage of that money goes to the sales assistant, who earns a fair wage cause they are visible. Then money is spent on: shipping, rent, electricity, business rates, designer, and Nike owner (who earns the bulkiest amount). How is there, any money left for the person who made the trainer, and why not pay them nothing at all, cause no one will ever find out.
See how we probably worse than Maya civilisation.
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