Wednesday, 16 June 2010

NOSYSTEMS ihtgw T Shirts June 2010

I've been printing t shirts since 2003, it was not planned, I just fell in to doing this. And it turned out to almost take over most of my life for the past few years. I really do love print and designing t shirt, but I felt I needed to put a hold to it, work in other avenues and go back to developing my womenswear design work, which I did do. I told Janice at Lik + Neon I was going to print more new t shirts, but that day just didn't seem to happen for a while. In the past week, finally I made a new line of t shirts and I was glad I did, it was a good creative release. Especially after being on a break for almost three months! What I did in break, umm not much mainly reflected on what I did in past few years, burnt hours on facebook, twitter and even wrote blogs. New line of t shirts called NOSYSTEMS,

NOSYSTEMS; we're surrounded in environments, with many type of systems: culture, traditio

nal, political, consumer, jobs etc. All these systems take over soul purpose of our existence, and ultimate question is how important are these systems for our survival, or are these systems here to destroy us. T shirt line is based on breaking free from: rhetorical and mediocre systems. I continued story of geometric shapes and structures, putting together different angles, to represent unbalanced energies and collision of various energies. Continued colour story that always reflects physiological disruption.